Building a Veterinary Dream Team

Building a Veterinary Dream Team

Written by: Bill Murray, National Sales Manager, Veterinary Division, Bank of America Practice Solutions! Choose the right professionals when you buy a veterinary hospital When you step into veterinary hospital ownership, it’s as crucial to assemble the right...
The impact of the rising rate environment

The impact of the rising rate environment

Written by: Bill Murray, National Sales Manager, Veterinary Division, Bank of America Practice Solutions! Veterinarians play a crucial role in society, caring for the health and well-being of our beloved pets and animals. However, like professionals in any other...
Understanding Burnout

Understanding Burnout

Written by By Dave Shuey — IndeVets Veterinarian Social Worker I knew that my veterinary technician career was doomed when the work no longer meant anything to me. I could no longer make myself care about whether or not the patients got better. Nights of providing...
3 Ways Becoming a Mom has made me a Better Vet

3 Ways Becoming a Mom has made me a Better Vet

Written by By Michelle Clancy — Associate IndeVet When I found out I was pregnant, one of my good friends told me I would make an amazing mother because, “You know what it’s like to work with and care for things that can’t talk.” At the time, I  agreed with that...
Consider the Benefits of Practice Ownership

Consider the Benefits of Practice Ownership

Written by By Bill Murray, National Sales Manager, Veterinary Division, Bank of America Practice Solutions1 As a veterinarian, you have two main options when it comes to your career. You can remain an associate veterinarian or you can own your own veterinary hospital....
Top 3 myths told to aspiring practice owners

Top 3 myths told to aspiring practice owners

Written by By Bill Murray, Bank of America Practice Solutions As my team and I travel to trade shows across the country, network with industry professionals, and work with our veterinary clients, we hear lots of stories. Some good, some bad, some indifferent—and some...